Content Archiving for eDiscovery

Content Archiving for eDiscovery helps you meet the ever-present demands of potential litigation, reduce the costs of e-discovery and improve the legal defensibility and retention processes. Whether it’s knowledge mining, compliance regulations, risk management, or active litigation, there are multiple reasons why companies backup and archive information. When looking into your archiving process you will…

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Email Threading & Suppression: The Basics

Email threading when utilized correctly can not only dramatically save you time and cut costs. Threading also allows you to scale your process through giving you access to information that is relevant to you without having to search endless data. An email thread is a group of several emails all linked through one origin email,…

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Benefits Of Cloud Based Email Archiving

The rapid increase in the need for effective information governance is responsible for creating complex concerns both in terms of storage capacity and in security. Cloud-based email archiving is one solution that’s risen to the forefront as an option to better organize and secure business communication, particularly during eDiscovery. Managed services like cloud-based email archiving…

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