Blog Posts
When should you look at an e-discovery platform?
Good post here about how corporations can lean on partners to identify and implement the best and most appropriate solution when (not if) the need arises for e-discovery. The writer discusses what he had to do when approached by corporate counsel to pull together documents relating to a specific subject (3 times in one year).…
Read MoreTest your skills with new legal crossword
The Daily Report just launched a new online legal crossword puzzle. The site will post a new crossword puzzle every Friday. This is a fun way to test your legal (and crossword) skills and knowledge.
Read MoreA new e-Discovery worry to consider: Virtual Machines
From comes an article about Virtual Machines and the impact they may have on e-discovery. First things first. What are Virtual Machines? defines them this way: A self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it is a separate computer. For example, Java applets run in a Java virtual machine (VM) that has…
Read MoreIs E-Discovery overwhelming the American Justice System?
Interesting article in the most recent Economist that asserts “A deluge of electronic information may overwhelm American civil justice” The article’s author points out that it was not long ago when “In the rare event that electronic evidence was requested, 100 gigabytes (GB) was considered a large amount.” Today, “almost every case involves e-discovery and…
Read MoreManaging E-Discovery: The CIO Perspective
Today’s online version of Computerworld includes some good insight for IT managers and executives regarding the growing role of E-Discovery in their roles. Author Benjamin Barnett describes a “call to arms in an electronic discovery battle” for IT professionals. His top 3 rules: Rule 1: Managing e-discovery is now part of your job. Rule…
Read MoreTech Firms Pitch Tools For Sifting Legal Records
In case you missed it, last Friday the Wall Street Journal published a great article about the rise of technology solutions being created and pitched to companies who are feeling overwhelmed by the growing demands of e-discovery. It is interesting to see how law firms are positioning themselves in this development. It seems to…
Read MoreWelcome to our Litigation Support Sentinel Blog
If you’re reading this post, it means that you have found the new Litigation Support Sentinel Blog – published by the ALC Legal Technologies family of companies and professionals. We plan to use this space to help keep our partners, clients and employees apprised of new developments within the litigation support industry as well…
Read MoreCompanies don't know where their information lives – ediscovery drives costs up
From CMS Wire today. It seems companies are confused (and becoming more so) about document storage and management and and this is having a profound impact on their e-discovery capabilities. The article points to a study from the American College of Trial Lawyers and the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System.…
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