Top 20 eDiscovery Tweeters To Follow on Twitter

Following trends in any market or industry has become increasingly easier with the help of social media, especially sites such as Twitter, Google+, and even Facebook. However, Twitter seems to be the best bet when it comes to finding news and the newest information about eDiscovery and law.

twitter logo 2 resized 600Sifting through all of that information, however, can be a bit time consuming. That’s why we made a list of some the best tweeters to follow on Twitter in the field of eDiscovery and legal technology. And yes, some of these tweeters are TERIS competitors – but we believe in providing our followers with a diverse range of views and know it’s impossible to track all aspects of the legal industry without having a wide range of information sources.

Of course, make sure you follow @DiscoverTERIS as we tweet eDiscovery and legal industry updates daily.

And here are some others you should add to your “follow” list:

  • Legal Aware (@legalaware)
    More generalized news, but, still provides enough updates and information that is humorous and entertaining.

  • Rob Robinson (@complexD)
    Rob is a eDiscovery professional (and industry VP/Marketing) working out of Austin, Texas, who is quite active (and informative) on Twitter.

  • Applied Discovery (@discoveryapplied)
    Looking for articles to learn more, or, to add to your knowledge? Applied Discovery provides a variety of tweets on various topics.

  • Integreon (@integreonedd)
    Another solid profile for news and articles, instead of just witty banter. Integreon is also a US-based company.

  • eDiscovery Journal (@ediscjournal)
    If following companies for news doesn’t sound all too fun, there is a website and online publication completely dedicated to information management.

  • Exterro Inc. (@exterro)
    Though another company, Exterro won’t tweet as much and flood the Timeline with information.

  • Peg Duncan (@pegduncan)
    For less of a “company” voice and more of a personal one, look for Peg’s profile on Twitter. She works and lives in Canada and provides some great information.

  • E-Discovery Beat (@ediscoverybeat)
    Much like eDiscovery Journal, but also provides information for webinars and other useful information.

  • Joshua Gilliland (@bowtielaw)
    One of our true favorites, Joshua is a fun and interesting tweeter to follow. He tweets (and blogs) about law as an working attorney and the intersection of technology and law.

  • (@lawdotcom)
    This one may sound pretty obvious considering the name, but, a lot of legal professionals tend to forget about this one.

  • Advanced Discovery (@advdiscovery)
    Learn all about the different faucets of data collection, electronic discovery, and other legal advice with Advanced Discovery and their active Twitter feed.

  • Clearwell (@clearwell)
    This Mountain View, California company (and TERIS partner) tweets about analysis, review, processing, and other key parts of electronic Discovery.

  • Nuix (@nuix)
    Another TERIS partner, Nuix is based out of both San Francisco and Sydney and provides great information about management technology and implementing it.

  • Legal IT (@legalit)
    As the name suggests, this Twitter account is at the crossroads of the legal world and Information Technology (IT). Their commentary includes news, informative articles, and even job leads.

  • Law Technology News (@lawtechnews)
    Again, a pretty up front Twitter account with all of the latest news, reviews, and people within the world of law and tech.

  • Law Practice Management (@lawpracticetips)
    Law Practice goes into the marketing, advertising, and technology aspect of attorneys, paralegal, and the like.

  • Forensic Focus (@forensicfocus)
    Slanted more for professional advice rather than overall, general news and tips, Forensic Focus still provides some sound information.

  • Enterprise Vault (@enterprisevault)
    Part of Symantec, Enterprise Vault tweets regularly on, as they say, “all things archiving…”

  • David Horrigan (@davidhorrigan)
    Founder of, journalist, attorney, and analyst for The 451 Group, Horrigan’s insight is quite informative and valuable.

  • Monique Altheim (@moniquealtheim)
    Another very informative person to follow on Twitter, Monique tweets about eDiscovery, social media and even mobile app development.


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