Relationship Between Data Relevancy & Cost in eDiscovery

How utilizing data filtering, de-duplication, reduction, and sampling reduces discovery and document review costs.
Exessive data growth is a problem at the forefront of managing eDiscovery, information governence, and legal compliance. Big data reaches all aspects of law from collection and data transmission to how we preserve large environments of data. With so much information available to legal teams it can present it’s own beast of where to focus efforts. Excessive data can burn through legal spending, cause document reviewers to miss a wealth of information hidden under duplicate files and slow down teams working to move the needle forward.
Yet with the proper tools legal teams can effectively deploy discovery and review tactics in a more targeted and cost-savings manner.
- Early Case Assessment
- First Past Culling Before eDiscovery Processing
- Applying Data Reduction Filters
- Sampling & Predictive Coding
Each of the aformentioned tactics is a different strategy to identify the most relevant information to the matter at hand. This is not to permanantly exlcude any data from consideration but to identify relevant and useful documents quicker.
When applied to eDiscovery, large data sets can be boiled down to the most relevant custodians. By using various filters, you are able to remove non-useful information, duplicate information, and other data that would in turn cost more money to process, host and review.
Overly broad search terms, lack of date ranges, no prioritized custodians. These are all seperate issues that on their own can cause increased discovery costs simply due to a lack of relevancy within the data. By executing greater control and focus on the data, counsel can identify relevant documents faster while reducing the amount of time and cost of doing so.
Document review is the single greatest cost in litigation; analytics is proven to reduce review time by 30-40%, TERIS embraces workflows that match client experience with the appropriate analytics option and build a process that works with legal teams of all sizes. At TERIS, we work closely with your team to help your organization achieve a better understating of your information and therfore your case.