Litigation Readiness for Risk and Cost Management

Manage cost and risk with consistent results. From SEC/FINRA investigations to complex litigation, don’t “go-it alone”… industry experts can assist with a winning data strategy and limit your exposure during the discovery process.
Outside counsel can be at the mercy of their client’s network infrastructure and document retention policies when it comes to data-mapping and litigation readiness. You can walk into a no-win scenario by not having clear visibility as to where potentially relevant email and data resides on a network, and what is being done to preserve it accordingly.
It’s ideal to not have to rely solely on your client or their IT department when it comes to figuring out where email, and other ESI is hiding. Often (at no fault of IT), many corporate networks can resemble the “Wild West”.
- Unknown archiving on shared and hidden folders
- Individual permissions to save and customize
- Corporate email settings on workstations
- Use of personal email, messaging and Social Media accounts
- Overworked third-party IT Vendors not enforcing full company policy
- Unauthorized “freeware” and cloud-based applications
- The list goes on
When a triggering event occurs, a neutral third-party service provider should provide a free consultation. Industry experts who help manage these first few steps to Identify, Preserve & Collect your client’s data can:
- help determine “where the bones are buried”
- provide defensible, documented collection steps
- limit firm/client IT staff exposure
- Offer fixed-rates for cost predictability
- provide a forensic “Time Capsule” for your data
TERIS is a leading provider of information governance, e-discovery, litigation support and managed services solutions, across the United States and internationally. TERIS experts can help craft policies to help avoid the unnecessary troubles that come with unreasonable, unwritten or inconsistent document retention practices.
Reach out today to learn how the TERIS team can assist with “Litigation Readiness” and give your team peace of mind.