The Most Valuable 2012 Legal Technology & eDiscovery Conferences
If you are considering which legal, legal technology or eDiscovery conferences to attend this year, you have come to the right place. There are several conferences to attend in 2012 that will offer invaluable information and training. This contains a list of events that range from the east coast to the west coast. Professionals from lawyers, law students, professors, legal assistants and more will get useful training and a boost for their careers at the events listed here. Links are listed at the end of the article.
ACEDS (Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists) Annual Conference is located in Hollywood, Florida, April 2nd through 4th, 2012. They offer a unique and knowledgeable networking approach, and have a full schedule of speakers and events. There will be many ideas to expand current contacts, meet experts and colleagues in the same field and top producing suppliers.
The 14th Annual Sedona Conference on complex litigation – Class Actions, is May 3rd and May 4th, 2012 in L’Auberge Del Mar, Del Mar, California. This year they will be focusing on class actions.
Another Sedona Conference will be held at the same location, but on October 11th and 12th, 2012 and will focus on Patent Litigation. The Sedona Conferences have limited participant availability, so if this is the one for you, register early to ensure your spot.
Save the date for the 2nd Annual E-Discovery Leadership Summit. Held at the fabulous Ritz-Carlton in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Wednesday, October 17th through Friday, October 19th, 2012. It’s an incredible opportunity to meet and focus on legal technology and how it continues to change and impact our communities.
Legaltech an ALM event. New York 2012, January 30th through Feburary 1, 2012. The Hilton New York, 1335 Avenue of Americas, New York, NY. One of the largest and most important events of the year. Sessions are offered to lawyers on advanced legal topics, employees who generally work in a position to support lawyers & there are general sessions geared toward a Legal Tech audience regardless of skill level.
Legaltech West Coast 2012. Mark your calendar. May 22nd to May 23rd, 2012. Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. Another outstanding legal technology event, the details for this one still being displayed online. They will offer over 100 exhibitors and are offering the most advanced products for the legal profession.
CVEDR, The Carmel Valley E-Discovery Retreat offers, great speakers, a great experience and a great location. The conference is held July 22nd through July 24th, 2012 in Carmel, California. There are numerous speakers lined up and the resort is available to stay in. Book early to reserve your spot. An interesting thing on their website is a letter called “Justify your attendance.” There is a “Letter to your manager” they offer to assist someone who may have difficulty getting it approved. Located under the “CVEDR Information” tab.
ITECH Law (International Technology Law Association), World Technology Law Conference and Annual Meeting. May 3rd and 4th, 2012 at the Ritz Carlton, Washington, D.C., USA. This conference is for technology lawyers, law students and professors, practicing attorneys and more.
Not sure which event to choose? Take a look at the links below to help you determine the E-Discovery conference that will fit best in your schedule.