5 Reasons Why Information Governance Compliance Is Critical to General Counsel

Information governance, or IG, is the effective management of any and all information that an enterprise creates, stores or transmits, particularly in digital format. In 2021 this includes everything from the project on the office desktop, email that’s accessed from a personal mobile device to social media conversations and wearable technology. Having a successful IG plan in place can be a tremendous benefit to any organization. Yet, IG is more than just a workplace productivity tool;  establishing and maintaining IG compliance is critical to general counsel as well, for five very important reasons.

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Information Governance in the Cloud: 9 Trends To Watch

By now, it’s clear to the majority of businesses that information governance and cloud computing together to represent the wave of the future when it comes to data management as well as e-discovery. Yet, with technology changing faster than anyone can really keep up with, how can organizations be sure they’re making the strategically correct…

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Helpful Tips To Improve Your Information Governance Plan

Streamlined, comprehensive information governance is one of the most critical tools for businesses to master. In today’s era of Big Data, managing everything from old records to last month’s data transactions to the most recent social media posts is not only possible but even expected. Yet, while companies are starting to move more toward recognizing…

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Tips For Creating an Information Governance Plan

Effective Information Governance (IG) is an essential part of conducting business in today’s increasingly digital world. Many corporations are sill working to catch up, and have yet to implement an effective data management policy. The companies who have put policies in place are often struggling to ensure that they’re carried out properly. Developing a solid…

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What do you do, again? Information governance…explained.

By Mike Frazier | Director, Information Governance, TERIS I am routinely asked what I do; followed by the question – “and what is that?”  That’s when I launch into an explanation of information governance, only to be received with glazed over eyes or blank stares. Have you ever tried to explain IG to someone who…

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