Revisiting ABA’s Law Firm Guide to Cybersecurity – Why You Should Care

Published nearly a year ago, the American Bar Association’s “Law Firm Guide to Cybersecurity” is more relevant than ever. Cybersecurity and Information Governance are major pillars in the legal sector. Law firms, litigation support providers, and corporate legal departments handle extremely sensitive information making it both crucial that these organizations implement cybersecurity best practices and also stay informed in the current techniques hackers are deploying to get access to this information.

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Securing Data Through End To End Encryption (E2EE)

True ESI defensibility starts with maintaining the authenticity and privacy of the data from the moment it is collected all the way to hosting and later deletion. Data encryption provides the backbone for this security through concealing the data in a cipher, thus making it unreadable to anyone without the key.

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California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) Brings Focus to Data Minimization

Following California’s implementation of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) which took effect on January 1st, 2020. The state is setting up the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) which is slated for January 1st, 2023.

The CRPA is an expansion beyond the CCPA, and will supersede it once the CRPA is fully effective. The key differences between California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) & the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is the addition of the data minimization clause.

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What Is FTP And Why Is It Secure?

File Transfer Protocol, commonly known as FTP, is the method of using a standard network protocol to securely and confidentially transfer files via a computer network. There are various types of file transfer protocols but FTP is one of the more common methods used within the legal industry. FTP is typically secured through the attachment of SSL/TLS (FTPS).

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VPN & Remote Desktop Security More Important Now Than Ever

People across the nation are staying home, working remotely and practicing social distancing but that doesn’t mean professional life as we know it halts to a stop. Many organizations have had to adapt and create systems for their business operations to move smoothly into the cloud and remote access. One of the biggest concerns with this transition is maintaining security and integrity of your companies data with the increased risk associated with remote access.

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