Posts by admin
National Law Journal
National Law Journal –
Read MoreTERIS continues expansion – now serves Dallas
TERIS is continuing its growth and expansion and now serves the Dallas market. Leading the charge i s Veronique Kinder, who brings more than 15 years of operations management experience (including more than 5 years in the document management and legal services industry) to the firm. With a strong background in Operations, Project Management and…
Read MoreWelcome to our new blog!
Today marks a new chapter for TERIS as we upgrade and launch our blog, the new “Sophisticated Litigation Support.” This is an exciting change for us and we’re looking forward to sharing new information and opinions with the legal community. So what are the major changes from our old blog? The biggest change is that…
Read MoreUpgrades and Improvements to TERIS website
New visitors to the web site will notice some changes. The most exciting upgrade is the addition of video – we are now featuring two of our prized clients providing video testimonies on the home page. We plan on adding more of these in the coming weeks and months. We also have a legal…
Read MoreJoin TERIS at the IPRO Innovations 2009 Event Next Week
You have more reasons than everto attend this FREE event. May 14-15 | Phoenix, Arizona. Notable Industry Speakers Including: William Kellermann, Electronic Discovery Manager for Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati Cliff Dutton, expert in the litigation support industry with more than 20 years experience as an entrepreneur, technologist, and executive George Rudoy, Director of…
Read MoreACC San Diego Featured Article – "Buckle-up California"
(From ACC “Focus on San Diego”) Buckle-up California Written By Micah Kasdan ([email protected]) Earlier this year, the government postponed the Digital TV Transition rollout by six months to allow for a significant amount of viewers to upgrade their television set-ups. One reason was that a lot of older and lower income citizens were about to…
Read MoreiCONECTnXT Enhances TERIS E-Discovery, Hosting, and Litigation Support Services
Los Angeles, CA (April 28, 2009) – iCONECT Development, LLC’s award-winning litigation support platform, iCONECTnXT, will now be offered by TERIS as part of their e-discovery, hosting, and litigation consulting services. nXT is used by 83 Am Law 100 firms, corporate legal departments, Fortune 500 corporations, and government agencies to organize, review, and analyze e-discovery.…
Read MoreTERIS adds leading litigation support professionals Julie Hinkle, Josh Rasmussen and Christy Harder to serve growing San Francisco office
TERIS announced today the addition of three leading litigation support sales professionals to its growing San Francisco office. Julie Hinkle joins as a new Electronic Projects Manager; Josh Rasmussen as Electronic Account Manager and Christy Harder as Account Manager for the company. The trio brings a combined mix of experience from both the legal and…
Read MoreUsing Facebook as Employment Prescreening Tool
This is one of those topics that seems to straddle legal/ethical/practical lines with employer/employee relations and practices and depending on which side of the fence you sit, you undoubtedly have your own view of the practice. From the blog Mashable (which we highly recommend if you are at all interested in social media developments) comes…
Read MoreLegal Implications of "Free" Wi-Fi
With Wi-Fi being so pervasive today, it’s easy to take for granted the ability to log into a hotspot no matter where we are to surf the web and conduct email. What many people don’t realize however is that there actions could amount to the commission of a felony, as it may be illegal in…
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