New Message From the Founder: Social Media Discovery Era Begins
Social media is now part of our cultural fabric – and very much plays a huge role in legal issues today. With more than 1 billion users, Facebook is larger than every country in the world and its impact is felt daily. It, along with other networks such as Twitter and LinkedIn are now central in key litigation. We’ve now entered the new world of “Social Media Discovery” and if you are a law firm or corporation, you need to be prepared to address this rapidly changing environment.
TERIS has invested heavily in both talent and technology to address this growing demand for clients. We’ve hired leading eDiscovery technologists and attorneys to help consult with companies – as well as implement key strategies to help them find the information they need to win their cases.
I’ve seen numerous changes in the industry since launching our company in 1996, but I can’t think of a time of so much ongoing technological change – and I think it’s only going to speed up in the future.
We’re committed to helping share our internal knowledge and expertise with the legal industry and launched a white paper program in 2012 to do just that. You can access our library of white papers here. Please let us know if there is a topic you would like us address in the future – or if we can be of service to your firm or company.
Here’s to an exciting, productive and profitable 2013 to you.