It’s clear: companies can no longer afford to deal with eDiscovery issues on a case-by-case basis. It’s simply too expensive to try and scramble to locate and organize eDiscovery evidence, and worse, it’s too risky. The consequences of failing to adequately respond to eDiscovery requests are severe. A scan of recent court rulings, of sanctions,…
As eDiscovery continues to establish itself as a core part of both business and risk management strategy (instead of just the latter), companies are looking for ways to cost effectively store the mountains of email they produce on a daily basis. And according to the folks at, an effective way to archive emails is…
For many people, winter is a time filled with seasonal cheers, friends and family, gift-giving and gift-receiving and…stress. Lots of it. And of course, there’s no shortage of things that are ready to ruin your day. It could be that client who seems to be taking a personal delight in driving you crazy. Or it…
We’re not really sure what got into our team in Seattle but a few of them got together and decided to have some fun while wishing everybody a Happy Holiday season….Enjoy (or cringe!).
Ah, what’s more fun than sinking into the couch, putting a bowl of processed foods on your stomach (mmmmmm…processed foods), and tuning into a holiday classic – one that reminds you of a simpler time, when life was a little slower, when people seemed a little friendlier, and before those know-it-all health types kept telling…
More than 200 eDiscovery and litigation technology professionals will be hired by AmLaw200 firms over the next six months, according to The Cowen Group’s 2010 Salary Study. “New litigation and resumed work on previously stalled litigation is driving the next wave of litigation support and eDiscovery hiring,” said David Cowen, president and founder of New…
As reported by, some companies believe that it’s a waste of time and money to proactively prepare for eDiscovery requests, since they can simply shift the costs of any such requests to whoever wants them. Some companies are dead wrong. And that’s the harsh reality that the defendants in Silverman v. Shaoul are facing,…
We’ve posted a few blogs (and we’ll be posting more) about how IT is a big part of a company’s eDiscovery success…or a big factor in its failure. This wasn’t always the case. Indeed, as Christine Taylor over at notes: As long as IT could maintain a minimum effort or even ignore eDiscovery entirely,…
The gift giving season is upon us…which also means it’s the gift buying season. Which is great for retailers, but not-so-great for your bank account. However, the folks at North American loyalty-marketing expert LoyaltyOne (by way of the North American Precis Sydicate), have put together some fantastic tips on how you can delight the people…
People call it the holiday season, but retailers have a more lucrative name for it: gift giving season. Or, more accurately: gift buying season. And that means whether you’re a Secret Santa or you need that perfect gift for that special someone (or that imperfect gift for that ordinary someone), you’re going to be hitting…

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