LIMITING SCOPE OF EDISCOVERY a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit ruling upholding a district court’s order limiting the scope of discovery and imposing sanctions against the plaintiff for disregarding the court’s orders and repeatedly engaging in litigation issues decided by the court.Decision: The Eighth Circuit affirmed the district court’s order limiting the…
Companies are increasingly finding themselves with large quantities of aging and diverse unstructured data. Companies are increasingly finding themselves with large quantities of aging and diverse unstructured data. Each time these companies seek to understand why in the heck they are keeping it all, they discover that it serves some nebulous purpose, depending on who…
In e-discovery, active learning utilizes machine learning technologies such as technology-assisted review (TAR), helping legal teams dramatically speed document review and thereby reduce its cost. Active learns puts the most relevant documents first, typically eliminating the need to review from 50 to 90 percent of a collection. It does this through continually learning, in real…
Don’t acquire a “Data Lemon”. A “Data Lemon” in short is when the buyer doesn’t know the state or quality of a database (or company) when purchasing. A great example of this was when Marriott International acquired Starwood in 2016 for $13.6 billion, neither company was aware of a cyber-attack on Starwood’s reservation system that…
In an industry as fast paced as eDiscovery, it is easy to get lost in all the new adaptions and buzzwords you hear. With evolving data sources, emerging technologies, and updated case law precedents it can be hard to know where to start. Here are a few things that the legal industry has been adopting…
Guidelines aim to define and demystify technology-assisted review and to encourage widespread adoption of TAR processes EDRM has released a comprehensive set of guidelines that aim to objectively define and explain technology-assisted review for members of the judiciary and the legal profession. The goal, editors say, is to provide a wide audience with an authoritative…
2019 Future Ready Lawyer Survey from Wolters Kluwer For law firms and their in-house partners to hold their own and survive in the changing legal landscape, differentiating services and analyzing big data will be key, while understanding and harnessing technology are the first steps to adapting, according to a Wolters Kluwer survey. Based on quantitative…
The Global Legal Hackathon is a non-profit organization that organizes law schools, law firms and in-house departments, legal technology companies, governments, and service providers to facilitate innovation in the legal industry – across the globe. It brings together the best thinkers, doers and practitioners in law in support of a unified vision: rapid development of solutions…
Why Mobile Data Matters in Litigation and Investigations Extract from article by ACEDS by George Socha & Martha Louks Mobile devices, especially smartphones, have become home to all manner of data about what we do. That means they should be seems as a key potential source of potentially relevant electronically stored information. Smartphones have become ubiquitous.…
The rapid increase in the need for effective information governance is responsible for creating complex concerns both in terms of storage capacity and in security. Cloud-based email archiving is one solution that’s risen to the forefront as an option to better organize and secure business communication, particularly during eDiscovery. Managed services like cloud-based email archiving…

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