Five Tips for a Successful Document Review Project – Part 1

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TERIS/USA Effective document review is hands-down one of the most challenging tasks for ediscovery managed services providers. Essential decisions often need to be made quickly (immediately or sooner, whenever possible) that can impact an entire case, yet while efficiently handling the massive amounts of data that must be examined in the process. The three tips listed below can help determine the best strategy for a truly successful document review project.



1. Communication

Staying aligned with the clients’ goals is important for any case, particularly during the review process. However, the needs of the opposing counsel as well as any guidelines set forth by the judge also need to be taken into consideration. Communicating about these issues is integral to the success of document review. This includes establishing clear and open communication about client expectations, discussing any limitations that may rear their ugly little heads and ensuring that any mandated protocol is followed are all important first steps.

2. Maintain an Active Presence

The idea behind ediscovery managed services isn’t a “fix it and forget it” mentality. Instead, regular client connections for checking in and touching base are needed to make sure that everything is on track. This point obviously goes hand in hand with Tip #1, yet is different in the sense that it ties into establishing a strategy to grow on. With consistent updates, both client and litigation team can be in better shape for building an excellent case through a better review process.

3. Embrace Technology

Much as no one would think very highly of an accountant who insisted on using an abacus instead of a spreadsheet to track deductions at tax time, the technology for a comprehensive, robust review is definitely out there; don’t be afraid to use it. Tools like predictive coding, nonlinear review and concept searching rather than keyword searching can make all the difference in a review project. When used properly, these advances can drastically streamline the review process, typically saving an impressive amount of time and money.

Look for more tips in our next blog – Five Tips for a Successful Document Review Project – Part 2. If you would like more information about eDiscovery or how TERIS solutions can assist you, please contact us!

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