Five Tips for a Successful Document Review Project – Part 2

TERIS/USA Effective document review is hands-down one of the most challenging tasks for ediscovery managed services providers. Essential decisions often need to be made quickly (immediately or sooner, whenever possible) that can impact an entire case, yet while efficiently handling the massive amounts of data that must be examined in the process. The two tips listed below can help determine the best strategy for a truly successful document review project.

4. Take a Break

Even technology-assisted review can be a lengthy, exhausting process. It’s important to pace all team members in order to stay as fresh as possible, even under pressure. To this end, remember to get enough sleep, eat decently and get up and move around once in a while. Rotating shifts can ensure that all team members are sharing the load equally rather than one or two key players getting totally burned out or overwhelmed.

5. Adapt as Needed

No matter how foolproof a strategy may seem at the outset, litigation support teams need to remain adaptable in order to handle any changes that may arise through the course of review… and there are always changes. Stay abreast of any alterations in guidelines or protocol that may inform the review process and adjust accordingly. In addition to aiding the review process, flexibility also helps keep clients happy, which in turn helps build future relationships that only help ediscovery managed services providers continue to grow.

If you would like more information about document review or how TERIS solutions can assist you, please contact us!

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