By Mike Frazier | Director, Information Governance, TERIS
Does this sound like a nightmare? Would you continue to shop at a place like this or would you demand better? Undoubtedly, none of us would want to make a repeat trip to this store. In the consumer world this sort of disorganization and clutter would be intolerable. Why then do we tolerate it in our corporate information management? The vast majority of organizations I talk to are struggling to keep up with the velocity and veracity of their corporate data. They generally have some, or all, of the following common issues:
- Unmanageable archive pst files on almost every users hard drive;
- Network file shares that have little or no organization;
- Retention policies and schedules that are not executed upon or enforced;
- Silos of structured and unstructured data that are not uniformly managed;
- Inefficient data preservation processes for litigation and rising eDiscovery costs;
- Increasing data storage costs, shrinking IT budgets, and thinly stretched internal resources;
- Content management software that was sold as the easy fix, only to find upon implementation that it is anything but;
- Limited visibility into the information being created and stored across the enterprise; and
- Data that is being kept well beyond any legal or regulatory requirement to do so.
Do any of these issues sound familiar? If so, are you looking to clean up the mess or is everyone in your organization content to be corporate data shoppers that have accepted that this is just the way things are? I’m here to tell you that there is a better way. It will take commitment and accountability to get there, but at least you don’t have to do it alone – TERIS can help. How? Give us a call and let’s talk about it.
For more information about how TERIS consulting services can help you with your information governance strategy, please contact us at 512.476.3371, or