The 10 Rules of Proper Information Governance in Corporations

When taking a hard look at policies for information governance, corporations need to follow a certain set of metrics for the most comprehensive approach toward Big Data management. This includes not just last month’s transactions but also today’s emails, last year’s social media posts and even a strategy for the files sunk fathoms into deep storage. Here are 10 rules for properly managing information governance in corporations.

1. Begin Assessment Early  

The sooner companies start a thorough evaluation of their information governance needs, the faster an effective data management strategy can be designed and implemented. The first step in this process is an assessment, which will help ensure that any IG policies actually meet the unique needs of the company.

2. Prepare the Troops

Before rolling out a plan for information governance, corporations have to let employees know exactly what to expect and how to prepare themselves. Policies should be clear well before any new metrics are rolled out. Plus, employees in different departments may be able to offer valuable feedback about their specific departmental IG needs for even greater efficiency.

3. Cross-Reference Existing Regulations

Always double-check prospective strategy against applicable industry regulatory guidelines before developing any data management policies. For example, HIPAA requirements have a big impact on information governance; corporations who must maintain HIPAA compliance need to keep these rules in mind as they establish data management goals.

4. Assemble the Right Team

Information governance should not be thought of just as the responsibility of the CEO. Instead, assemble the departments and individuals who are best prepared to help organize and implement effective IG policies. Delegate as needed to those whose natural talents lend themselves to this type of project.

5. Outsource as Needed

At the same time, don’t get too hung up on the idea that everything must be addressed in-house. There are plenty of resources out there designed specifically to help corporations with their information governance. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of these, and outsource to an expert if needed.

6. Implement in Stages

As tempting as it may be to flip a switch and have every single department on board with data management overnight, that simply isn’t reality for most information governance. Corporations often find better success rolling out the implementations in stages, either by department or location. This allows for feedback and changes on future rollouts that can improve efficiency overall.

7. Plan Ahead

One of the biggest challenges in information governance is to keep the future in mind as well as the past and present. Assessment and implementation are only steps in the ongoing process of information management. Schedule review and future assessment dates ahead of time to stay on top of the changing times.

8. Maintain Documentation

Throughout the process of planning out the right approach toward information governance, corporations should maintain scrupulous records on procedures and processes in case those notes are necessary for future reference.

9. Check with Industry Peers

Other corporations are in the same boat and facing similar challenges. Learn from their experience by brainstorming on which resources have been most helpful for them, then adapt those tips accordingly to allow for individual variance among different enterprises.

10. Consult the Experts

When it comes to information governance, corporations may feel stubborn about the need to take care of everything themselves. However, not every company is equipped or prepared to handle data management on its own. Call in the experts if needed to better assess vulnerabilities and develop a customized approach to data management that works seamlessly for daily business needs.

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