
How Leveraging Near-Duplicate Identification Can Reduce Review Costs

Computers inherently create mass amounts of duplicative data. In today’s age of massive data proliferation, duplicate and near-duplicate ESI have become…

Understanding the Stages of the EDRM (Electronic Discovery Reference Model)

The EDRM (Electronic Discovery Reference Model) refers to both a conceptual framework for understanding the stages within the overall eDiscovery process, and also the EDRM…

Considerations During the Identification Stage of the EDRM

During the Identification Stage, the goal is to create and deploy a plan to identify, preserve, authenticate, and collect relevant…

Amazon Echo & Smart Devices: Considerations In Litigation And eDiscovery

In recent years the information requests from Law Enforcement have been rising dramatically, with the majority of these requests either…

Upcoming Innovative & Virtual eDiscovery & Legal Tech Conferences (Fall 2021)

Events and conferences can be a great resource for further developing your career, whether it be your goal is building…

Powerful eDiscovery Analytics: Utilizing Cluster Wheel Visualization, Concept Searching, & More

Data analytics can play a huge part in reducing the overall size, time, and cost of a review project. When…

AI & Machine Learning in Document Review

Sooner or later, most e-discovery professionals have experienced the pressure of a slow-moving document review. Pressure to reduce time spent…

Tips for Social Media Discovery & Data Preservation Pt.2

Social media can house a wealth of evidence, it's no longer just for personal use but has since been wide-spread…

Tips for Social Media Discovery & Data Preservation Pt.1

Social media has become a engrained way of how people network, communicate, and socialize outside of traditional communication methods such…

Risks & Pitfalls Associated with Self-Collection in eDiscovery

For those well-versed in forensic collection and eDiscovery, the thought of a client self-collecting sends up immediate red flags. An…