
TERIS eDiscovery Project Process: The 10 Key Steps

TERIS tightly manages an eDiscovery engagement by applying these 10 key industry-wide process steps, which help minimize the risks and…

Digital Forensics – Stage 2: Electronic Discovery Processing & Analysis

Once the data has been identified through appropriate data mapping techniques, and defensibly collected by a certified forensic examiner the…

Digital Forensics – Stage 1: Acquisition (Collection)

To understand when and where to spend money on digital forensics, it is important to understand first what you are…

Managing eDiscovery within Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has become one of the leading team collaboration tools utilized by large corporations across multiple industries. As a…

3 Questions Legal Teams Need to Ask Before Deciding on an eDiscovery Solution

Finding the right eDiscovery solution can leave a lot of organizations wondering how to even begin the search. What kind…

What is Metadata and Why it is Important

What exactly is metadata? In 2020, it is common knowledge that everything you do electronically leaves a trace, but how…

Remote Forensic Data Collection & eDiscovery in an ESI Driven Matter

In modern litigation, the process of remote forensic collections has evolved from a convenience into an integral part of the…

Five Questions to Ask During eDiscovery to Reduce the Risk of Sanctions

Sanctions around eDiscovery don't happen often, but that doesn't mean they don't occur. Proper handling, preservation, & production of ESI…

Summary of eDiscovery Rules 16(b) and 26(f): Meet and Confer

FRCP Rules 16(b) and 26(f) is in place to ensure that a discovery plan is enacted early on, if not…

Relationship Between Data Relevancy & Cost in eDiscovery

How utilizing data filtering, de-duplication, reduction, and sampling reduces discovery and document review costs.