Blog Posts

Do you Have a Master Retention Schedule?

As eDiscovery continues to establish itself as a core part of both business and risk management strategy (instead of just…

Tips for Beating the Winter Blahs

For many people, winter is a time filled with seasonal cheers, friends and family, gift-giving and gift-receiving and…stress. Lots of…

Silly Fun and Holiday Greetings form TERIS Seattle

We're not really sure what got into our team in Seattle but a few of them got together and decided…

9 Classic Movies to Brighten up your Holiday Season

Ah, what’s more fun than sinking into the couch, putting a bowl of processed foods on your stomach (mmmmmm…processed foods),…

Litigation Technology, eDiscovery Hiring Boom Salary Study Shows

More than 200 eDiscovery and litigation technology professionals will be hired by AmLaw200 firms over the next six months, according…

Message to eDiscovery Defendants: Pay-As-You-Go

As reported by law.com, some companies believe that it’s a waste of time and money to proactively prepare for eDiscovery…

eDiscovery, IT and Enlightened Self-Interest

We’ve posted a few blogs (and we’ll be posting more) about how IT is a big part of a company’s…

Tips for Using Loyalty Program Points to Buy Gifts this Year

The gift giving season is upon us…which also means it’s the gift buying season. Which is great for retailers, but…

Tips for Safe Online Shopping this Holiday Season

People call it the holiday season, but retailers have a more lucrative name for it: gift giving season. Or, more…

Social Media vs. eDiscovery Compliance

Messagingarchitects.com reports that, as companies rush to the wild digital frontier so they can strike Social Media gold, there’s a…