Blog Posts

More Than Just a Fad: kCura's Relativity eDiscovery Software

The knowledge and content management magazine KMWorld listed Relativity, an eDiscovery platform developed by kCura, as a trend-setting product of…

International Standards for E-Discovery?

by Greg Behan, Esq. A technical committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is moving forward with the development…

Are Alternative Fee Arrangements the Wave of the Future?

When the world of eDiscovery was young, it made sense to charge per gigabyte, much as a laundromat charges per…

Why Technology Assisted Review will Redefine eDiscovery

by Greg Behan, Esq. “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part…

Reminder: TERIS’ Alexander Lubarsky to Speak at 2013 California Appellate Judicial Attorneys Institute May 28-29

TERIS Director and ESI Consultant Alexander Lubarsky will be speaking at the upcoming California Judicial Attorneys Conference May 28-29, 2013…

Social Media Data and E-Discovery Preparation

It's no secret that the use of social media has skyrocketed. In 2012, according to Burson-Marsteller, eighty-seven percent of Fortune…

Nuix and EDRM republish Enron data set cleansed of more than 10,000 items containing private, health and financial information

TERIS partner Nuix, and EDRM, the leading standards organization for the eDiscovery and information governance market, announced yesterday that they republished…

Impact of Changes to California Code of Civil Procedure

By Alexander Lubarsky, Esq. Just when we thought that we were beginning to grow familiar with the 2009 Electronic Discovery…

Information Governance: The Importance of Data Management

In March 2013, an analyst and data company called 451 Research released a report on eDiscovery practices. This report surveyed…

New Free White Paper: Information Governance: Managing Risks and Rewards

Implementing an effective information governance strategy is one of the ways an enterprise can help protect itself against potential litigation.…