Josh Markarian

ABA Cybersecurity Legal Task Force Releases Second Edition of Vendor Contracting Project: Cybersecurity Checklist

If your organization has been looking for a clear and concise resource for cybersecurity guidance, the American Bar Association's Cybersecurity…

4 New Podcast Episodes to Listen to on Your Next Commute – eDiscovery, Information Governance, & More

Looking for more eDiscovery and information governance content outside of your normal feed? Here are a handful of recent podcast…

National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) Releases New Guide “Tips and Tactics for Dealing With Ransomware”

NIST Releases Tips and Tactics for Dealing With Ransomware Ransomware is a form of harmful software created to inhibit access…

e-Discovery LinkedIn Groups & Communities You Should Consider Joining

Here are a few e-Discovery groups on the LinkedIn that are full of information from experts in the field of…

eDiscovery Certifications – Industry & Software Specific Certifications to Further Your Career

Education is a core part of eDiscovery. The discovery process is full of nuances, ranging from the different technology used…

A Look Into The Different Keyword Searching & Text Indexing Terms

The document review phase during a case can seem like a near impossible task. What looks like an endless pit…

Securing Data Through End To End Encryption (E2EE)

True ESI defensibility starts with maintaining the authenticity and privacy of the data from the moment it is collected all…

Florida’s New Consumer Data Privacy Bill Signals for More States to Follow

Officially referred to as House Bill 969, the bill which is more commonly known as Florida's consumer data privacy bill…

California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) Brings Focus to Data Minimization

Following California's implementation of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) which took effect on January 1st, 2020. The state is…

NIST Expands Cyber Security Framework with Addition of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Profiles

In line with a continued effort to help widespread adoption of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s “Cyber Security…