Josh Markarian

Revisiting ABA’s Law Firm Guide to Cybersecurity – Why You Should Care

Published nearly a year ago, the American Bar Association's "Law Firm Guide to Cybersecurity" is more relevant than ever. Cybersecurity…

Upcoming Innovative & Virtual eDiscovery & Legal Tech Conferences (Fall 2021)

Events and conferences can be a great resource for further developing your career, whether it be your goal is building…

Powerful eDiscovery Analytics: Utilizing Cluster Wheel Visualization, Concept Searching, & More

Data analytics can play a huge part in reducing the overall size, time, and cost of a review project. When…

AI & Machine Learning in Document Review

Sooner or later, most e-discovery professionals have experienced the pressure of a slow-moving document review. Pressure to reduce time spent…

Tips for Social Media Discovery & Data Preservation Pt.2

Social media can house a wealth of evidence, it's no longer just for personal use but has since been wide-spread…

Tips for Social Media Discovery & Data Preservation Pt.1

Social media has become a engrained way of how people network, communicate, and socialize outside of traditional communication methods such…

Remote Forensic Collection in a Time of Work-From-Home

Remote forensic collection solutions aren't necessarily a new revelation, they have been around and enacted by digital forensics and litigation…

Common & Overlooked ESI Sources – Forensic Data Collection Checklist

In order for a forensic data investigation to be thorough and complete, forensic examiners need to have confidence that the…

Risks & Pitfalls Associated with Self-Collection in eDiscovery

For those well-versed in forensic collection and eDiscovery, the thought of a client self-collecting sends up immediate red flags. An…

Considerations & Sample Questions for Drafting a Custodian Questionnaire

Custodian questionnaire's and IT team interviews are valuable tools that help set the scope for the collection and discovery to…