Attention Arizona Law Firms!
What could be more convenient?
Earn your CLE credits before the deadline and stay current on the latest developments in eDiscovery without leaving your office.
Why Learn About eDiscovery?
Education is the key to successfully managing your eDiscovery projects, reducing litigation costs and serving your clients best interests.
Why Learn from TERIS?
TERIS understands the unique demands and processes legal professionals require during litigation. Our CLE classes reflect the state-of-the-art in modern litigation including eDiscovery best practices and technologies that give corporations and legal firms a strong advantage in litigation. We will guide you towards industry-leading eDiscovery solutions that will help you to cost-effectively take charge of voluminous data, tight deadlines and unanticipated obstacles.
Courses Offered – Ethics Eligible TERIS offers the following classes (1 hour, 1 CLE credit each) taught by one of our Phoenix-based ESI specialists:
2010: Year in Review
Catch up on the latest trends in eDiscovery including:
- Review relevant changes in case law for social media, cooperation, preservation and sanctions.
- Proportionality
eDiscovery Preparedness
Gain an understanding of the importance and purpose of the Meet & Confer including:
- Review Federal Rules regarding ESI
- The impact of Early Case Assessment & Cooperation
- Highlights of best practices
eDiscovery Cost Control Strategies
This is an deal course to learn strategies and best practices to reduce your ESI costs including:
- Leverage a proactive approach to managing and controlling your ESI
- Avoiding costly mistakes.
Forensic Collection
Learn the importance of proper data collection including:
- Common collection methods
- Collection case law
- Potential pitfalls of doing a collection yourself.
ESI 101: Intro to Electronic Discovery
Feeling overwhelmed by the numerous options and potential costs of ESI (electronically stored information)? This course provides an overview of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM).
Schedule Your CLE Today Give your firm a technological advantage in litigation, and get your CLE credit before June 30. Contact Sharon Brown for scheduling: or 602.241.9333.