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5 Reasons Why Businesses Need A Business Email Archive Policy

It’s virtually impossible these days to conduct business without emails flying like crazy. From exchanging quick communications to sending projects and even legal documentation, email is a quick and easy solution for collaborating across the miles… or even to the next cubicle over. It seems odd, then, that there are still companies who fail to recognize the importance of establishing a policy for handling digital communications. Here’s a closer look at the seven reasons why businesses need an email archive policy.

1. Human Resources Benefits

Archived emails can prove invaluable for any human resources department. There are a number of occasions when these records could be not only relevant but essential: protection against internal email misuse, tracking workplace harassment or other in-house investigation, and even protecting the company in case of unlawful dismissal claims. A solid email archive policy means that applicable data will be stored and retained indefinitely against future HR needs.

2. Better eDiscovery Managed Services

On a related note, for companies who need to comply with a request for ediscovery, managed services like an email archive policy can prove invaluable. Just having the policy at all can offer protection against spoliation claims, and a system that’s organized and secure means that necessary discovery items can be found intact and more quickly and easily.

3. Compliance with Document Retention Guidelines

Not only can email archives produce the evidence a company’s legal team needs to win its case, but a good retention policy also serves as defense against claims of spoliation in accordance with any document retention guidelines during ediscovery. Managed services help protect archived emails from unauthorized access or alteration in order to preserve integrity.

4. Streamlined Storage Management

It’s not uncommon for businesses with internal IT departments to manage storage needs by quota. Adopting a more comprehensive email archive policy instead means that users won’t be forced to delete potentially critical emails in order to make more room. This not only preserves important data, but also eliminates the need for large amounts of on-site physical storage.

5. Improved Data Management

A study conducted by Osterman Research found that the majority (75 percent) of companies’ intellectual property is all available in emails and through messaging systems. This sobering figure indicates in and of itself the importance of properly managing electronic communications. An effective email archiving solution offers features like auto-archiving, data compression and controlled access for better management of sensitive data, allowing for much improved data management tactics.


TERIS offers adaptable support at varying levels according to client needs, from extensive data storage to complex case review and analysis and computer forensics. If you would like more information about how TERIS can assist you, please contact us!

Josh Markarian:
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