20 eDiscovery Blogs for Legal Professionals to Follow

The complexities of eDiscovery make constantly following recent eDiscovery news and developments a necessity for most legal professionals. eDiscovery is a part of all forms of litigation and continues to grow and evolve at an astounding rate.

Fortunately, there are a number of blogs that track eDiscovery developments and we’ve compiled a list of 20 (in no particular order) we think are worth bookmarking to stay updated on recent news.

1. Electronic Discovery Law– Published by K&L GATES and chock full of great information; this blog/Web site is made available by the contributing lawyers or law firm publisher solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general legal principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. 

Bow Tie Law's BlogBow Tie Law's Blog

2. Bow Tie Law’s Blog– Created by Joshua Gilliland, Esq., blogger for Bow Tie Law, one of the two attorney bloggers for The Legal Geeks, Litigation World columnist and founder of Majority Opinion LLC. Bow Tie Law Blog is dedicated to untying the knotty issues in eDiscovery, including the application of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure & Federal Rules of Evidence to technology, Web 2.0, text messages, instant messages, and applying traditional legal principles to 21st Century realities. Bow Tie Law Blog postings have been prepared for informational and educational purposes only.

3. Opportunity Knocks– The Cowen Group publishes this blog. The Cowen Group hosts over 50 executive peer micro-events nationally. These thought leadership workshops are designed to bring together Legalists, Technologists, Consultants and Executives in a roundtable environment to accelerate their advancement in this rapidly evolving space. This blog is published in the spirit of education, enlightenment, and networking.

4. e-Discovery Team– This blog by Ralph Losey takes a multidisciplinary look at eDiscovery, addressing the issue from a law, IT, and science perspective all at once.

5. Ride the Lightning– For information on information technology, information security, and digital forensics, check out this blog written by Sharon D. Nelson. The posts on Ride the Lightning cover news events all over the world related to privacy issues, cyberattack, legal aspects of information security and electronic evidence, etc.

6. Sound Evidence Blog– For a simplified, direct presentation of eDiscovery issues, try the Sound Evidence Blog written by Mary Mack.

7. Ball in your court– Musings on E-Discovery & Computer Forensics. Published by Craig D. Ball, P.C.. Craig Ball’s column, “Ball in Your Court,” has won Gold or Silver Medal recognition as Best Regular Column or Best Contributed Column from the Trade Association Business Publications International and/or from the American Society of Business Publication Editors every year since 2006!  

8. EDD Blog Online– The EDD Blog addresses issues such as cloud computing, technology assisted review, digital forensics, social media, and big data. EDD Blog Online is written in part by the president of Electronic Evidence Labs.

9. Litigation Support Industry– Follow this blog to stay up-to-date on a variety of e-discovery subjects that are not only related to technology, practices, and news items. Litigation Support Industry also posts information on investment opportunities, new alliances, product releases, and acquisitions/mergers related to the business of e-discovery.

10. Strategic Legal Technology– This blog is authored by lawyer and consultant Ron Friedmann. Strategic Legal Technology covers not just eDiscovery and litigation support, but also other topics in technology such as knowledge management.

11. EDD Update– This blog is an endeavor that combines the efforts of Law.com Legal Technology and Law Technology News. Consult EDD Update for breaking stories regarding verdicts and rulings relevant to e-discovery issues.

12. Electronic Discovery Blog– In this blog, attorney-writers address issues of e-discovery and forensic issues pertaining to e-discovery processes and ideas.

13. The e-Disclosure Information Project The e-Disclosure Information Project is run by Chris Dale, a former commercial litigation partner turned e-Disclosure consultant. The Project aims to bring together lawyers, suppliers, courts and corporations with an interest in electronic disclosure, and to disseminate information about the court rules, the problems and the software and services available to handle them.

14. e-discovery 2.0– Published by Clearwell Systems, this blog has a lot of great information and resources that aren’t aimed at selling you something. Well done and valuable posts make this site one worth visiting often.

15. Electronic Discovery and Evidence– This blog by Michael Arkfeld, author and educator, in the legal field reports recent updates in e-discovery law.

16. E-Discovery Beat– Subscribe to E-Discovery Beat for resources provided for attorneys and litigation support professionals. E-Discovery Beat aims to “tame the chaos” involved in eDiscovery procedures.

17. Information Management– This blog covering the broader topic of information management in general occasionally addresses issues of e-discovery and their effects on organizations’ liabilities regarding the availability of data.

18.  eDiscovery Journal– Peruse through the postings on E-Discovery journal for practical advice and impartial information. On this blog, you can research eDiscovery technologies, services, or experts to find a solution to any many possible eDiscovery quandaries.

19. Legal Project Management– Read this blog for suggestions and commentary on conducting a wide range of legal procedures. Legal Project Management occasionally addresses the issue of eDiscovery.

20. E-Discovery Law Alert– Written by lawyers from a law firm practicing in several mid-Atlantic states, E-Discovery Law Alert analyzes recent events related to e-discovery and delves into the intricacies of information management law in a corporate context.

That’s our list – what do you think? Are there any blogs we missed?

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